Võit iseenda üle on esmane ja kõige suurem võit.
Veider, kui palju inimene mõtleb, kui ta on teel. Ja kui vähe, kui ta on pärale jõudnud.
We all change a little for whoever we're into.
It's never too late for a new beginning in your life.
"Me oleme ühes paadis, aga seljaga teineteise poole."
Inimene ei muutu sellest suuremaks, kui ta teisele peale astub.
It's time to let go and move on.
stuck somewhere between try harder and why bother
Just because you can't dance, doesn't mean you shouldn't dance. –Alcohol
I don't even know anymore who you are..
I think one of my favorite feelings is laughing with someone and realizing half way through how much you enjoy them and their existence.
"Not everyone you lose is a loss."
When you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it.
Usually in life when you make a stupid decision, you just have to live with it.
When you can tell your story and it doesn’t make you cry, you know you have healed.
Hirm ei ole häbiasi. Hirm annab tunnistust kainest mõtlemisest.
You can’t change someone who doesn’t see an issue in their actions.
no matter what, these feelings come back
You’re my favorite mistake.
I'm not your doll, stop playing with me.
When I care about someone, I really fucking care.
Some things are better left forgotten.
Sometimes you have to accept the truth and wasting time on the wrong people.
Ära kahetse kunagi seda, mis pani sind naeratama.
"You never apologized for hurting me but I apologized 12 times for being angry about it"
Kui see pole katki, ära ürita seda parandada.
Sometimes love means taking a step back. If you care about somebody, you should want em to be happy, even if you wind up being left out