Saturday, January 26, 2013

# 25

My head is saying: "Fool, forget him!" My heart is saying: "Don't let go!"

True love is when you shed a tear and still want him. It's when he ignores you and you still love him. It's when he loves another but you still smile and say: "I'm happy for you." When all you really do is cry and cry.

Missing you isn't what hurts. It's knowing that I once had you. That kills me.

I bet you don't remember half the things I'll never forget.

I've learned that goodbyes will always hurt, pictures never replace having been there, memories good or bad will bring tears, and words can never pelace those feelings.

I don't run from you, I walk away slowly. And it kills me because you don't care enough to stop me.

It kills me to know that you're on, but you wont talk to me then I realize. She's on too.

Inimene, kes sind tõeliselt armastab, näeb kurbust su silmades sel ajal, kui teised usuvad veel seda võltsi naeratust su näol.

I'm a fucked up little freaky girl in her little fucked up freaky world.

Kord, kui ta uksest sisse astus, oleks nagu tuba täitunud elektriga.

Naerata, isegi siis kui süda nutab, sest siis on kergem elada.

Armastus ületab elu ja surma piiri.

Elu on see, mida tuleb uhkelt hinnata, sest see, mis oli, ei juhtu enam kunagi ja jäävad vaid mälestused... kui sedagi.

Õnn on nagu tänavapoiss, kes naeratab korra ja siis kaob.

I should enjoy my life, but i fucking hate it.

When everybody thinks I'm a disgusting freak. Then why should I think different?

I wish i could smile to your face and say:"I'm Okey." But I don't want to lie to you.

When i'm with you, I smile and laugh, I seem happy. But when I'm alone, I cry and feel pain in my heart. I am really sad because you're not mine. You're her's.

Love can make you totally happy, but it also can make you so sad you wanna die..

I love you so much, at times i can't even look at you for fear that i might faint, die or... Wake Up

Enjoying life is really hard, when you are surroundedby people who always hurt you.

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